Lobby Lounge to be renovated

Yes, the Lobby Lounge of Pudong Shangri-La Hotel will be renovated this coming weekend. Therefore, we won't be playing on Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Our set on Friday will only be until 11PM, so this will be the first weekend in Shanghai that I can go barhopping or check out some other bands - ever!!! It will be a great time for us to go out of town, too. We've known about this a month ago and we were actually planning to go to Beijing to at least see the Great Wall of China or Hongkong to visit Disneyland.

We thought we can outsmart the management by letting them pay us full this month. Anyway, it's not our fault or our wish that the lounge be renovated. But, no!!! The Shangri-La management is a lot smarter than us. We are actually playing at the BATS for the 2 consecutive Sundays that we have here in Shanghai, September 18th and 25th. That's in payment for the days that we won't be working this weekend. Prrfffffft!

That's alright with us. We love playing at the BATS anyway, I think we can handle that. Hopefully 25th will be a riot there as it will be our last Sunday in Shanghai and our last BATS gig. My birthday's coming... hope I can celebrate that in BATS too, with my friends. That will be fun I guess!

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