Happy birthday to our unica hija and our inspiration in life... Her Royal Highness Princessette Selena! :) Today she's turning 12... the age when she's breaking into a young adolescent and the time when the fear for parents like us starts. It sucks for us that we are ALWAYS away on her birthdays, except last year when we had a long break back home. But we always give her gifts... that's what children's birthdays are for... oh and Christmases are for! :)
She's a bit sad though. Because last night, it was announced that because of the typhoon Pedring, there won't be classes today. And she was sooooo looking forward to this day because she wanted to spend it with her friends after classes before heading to my mom's place to have a small celebration and sleepover. I felt her sadness. Two years ago, nobody went to her birthday party because of the super typhoon Ondoy which flooded the whole metropolis. I wouldn't want that to happen on her 12th birthday... one of the important birthdays in a girl's life.
It's so heartbreaking that we weren't there to have a Plan B for her day. And since there's a typhoon raging over the city, I'd be scared for her to leave the condo to go to my mom's place and get stranded somewhere instead. But it wasn't raining hard yet in the evening, so I just asked my brother to pick her up from the condo so she can spend 2 nights with my mom and get to celebrate her big day with her cousins, uncles, and of course, my mom.
The pictures below are screencaps from a Skype video chat when she was unwrapping the gift that Marl decided to give to her...
"Close your eyes, baby" |
"Ohhhh wow! Purple!" |
Unwrapping her gift |
A book that every girl would want |
"I love it! Thank you, mom and dad!" |
Taking her onstage... via Skype. :) |
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