A job for the right girl

I'm currently helping an octogenarian friend to find the right girl who will work for him as a a personal assistant or companion. The girl will receive at least $1,000 nett a month. The main job is to accompany him anywhere, someone he can talk to and someone he can bring along with him when he travels. Since he's already old, he needs special care, but not to the extent of a caregiver's.
I'm looking for:
- must not be older than 35
- single
- at least 5'3"
- must be articulate, have good communication skills & fluent in English
- must be presentable & smart
- can carry herself well in any occasion
If you know somebody, please pass this on to her. Kindly please send photos and vital information (full name, age, height, weight, contact#) at mailme@saritac.com thanks!!!
NOTE: Photos are really important. Closeup & full body shot.

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