Start the day right with a smile!

For me, it is very important to start your day right. I'm a grumpy person in the first hour of my day, unless I start it right. And starting the day right for me is having a reason to smile or laugh. And it happened just 2 hours ago.

Yesterday, I got a call from UPS that I have a package from the US, though I wasn't expecting anything from anyone especially from the US. Today, I had a wakeup call from the concierge at past 12 noon telling me that my package has already arrived. I jumped out of the bed, half-awake, anxiously waited for 20 minutes then... DING! DONG! Finally, the package was sent to the room!

The package was really from the US, and addressed to me. I opened the package, and I was f**kng surprised when I saw what was inside. I looked at the forms again if the package was for me coz I couldn't believe it. It's my dream camera, the camera that I've been drooling on whenever I pass by a digital camera shop. This is the latest model among the Canon Ixus cameras... drum rolls please...

It's a Canon Powershot SD550 or Ixus 750!!! I was soooooo happy and excited about it. It's soooooo nice and it's not even silver like the other Ixus cameras I had and seen. Now, I'm not so brokenhearted about my Ixus400 being broken by that staff in Pudong Shangri-La Hotel in Shanghai.

So expect more new pics on my pbase gallery from now on!!! Wooooohooooo!

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