So my birthday was on the 29th of September and of course for the nth time, I have one again turned 25 again. When the clock struck 12 midnight while we were doing our Monday night set, as expected, the band and staff sang me the traditional "Happy Birthday" while presenting me a small birthday cake onstage. Then at daytime, because of the bad haze over the city, I just spent my whole birthday chatting with friends and replying each of their birthday greetings. To those who didn't greet me, I made sure that they wouldn't forget that it was my birthday so I sent them this birthday clip with hashtag #ProjectForcedGreeting hahaha!
And I swear, they mostly replied - well almost all - and wished me with their best birthday wishes. On Tuesday night, which was my actual birthday evening, I had some friends, from those who I sent the #projectforcedgreeting video to, who showed up for a while to wish me personally. And around 2nd set, my band sang me a birthday song again, this time our friend Melfay presented me with a big bouquet of flowers onstage, which turned to be from my loving hubby Marl. He then sang me a song that he used to sing to me back in 1996, Gary Barlow's "Forever Love" - which he only does on special occasions like that. :) Here's another clip of that bouquet moment:
Then after work, Marl and I just ate some quick Fried Bihon (Mee Hun Goreng) in mamak stalls behind Concorde Hotel, with our friends from the JAMM Band, Charrie & Michael Te. Then I just continued replying to birthday messages when we got back to the hotel. The celebration was that simple and I felt really happy and contented - something money can't buy ever at all. Thank you guys for the greetings!
And I swear, they mostly replied - well almost all - and wished me with their best birthday wishes. On Tuesday night, which was my actual birthday evening, I had some friends, from those who I sent the #projectforcedgreeting video to, who showed up for a while to wish me personally. And around 2nd set, my band sang me a birthday song again, this time our friend Melfay presented me with a big bouquet of flowers onstage, which turned to be from my loving hubby Marl. He then sang me a song that he used to sing to me back in 1996, Gary Barlow's "Forever Love" - which he only does on special occasions like that. :) Here's another clip of that bouquet moment:
Then after work, Marl and I just ate some quick Fried Bihon (Mee Hun Goreng) in mamak stalls behind Concorde Hotel, with our friends from the JAMM Band, Charrie & Michael Te. Then I just continued replying to birthday messages when we got back to the hotel. The celebration was that simple and I felt really happy and contented - something money can't buy ever at all. Thank you guys for the greetings!
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