Target: 10,000th tweet for the New Year 2010

Been wondering what's the #sars10k tag that I've been tweeting about lately?

I have been on Twitter for quite some time now. I've gained lots of new friends and knew about them through their tweets. I've followed some celebrities on Twitter and got updates of what they do and what they think. It's really been a great ride on Twitter all this time.

Well, guess what? As of now I'm more than a hundred tweets away from my 10,000th tweet and looks like I'm gonna hit it real soon. Which is VERY easy for a Twitter addict like me.

So, I've made myself a challenge: To have my 10,000th tweet as my first tweet for the New Year 2010. Big challenge coz I usually tweet whatever I feel like to and now I only have 10-12 tweets a day to spare. OH NO! Oh well, at least it's for a good cause and it will definitely make my 10,000th tweet extra special. What's more special than greeting my tweethearts on Twitter for the New Year for my 10,000th tweet, huh?! Guess that's the best I can do. Then I can start the year 2010 with a clean slate... well sorta. :-)

Follow me on and support #sars10k!

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