Replying Chatul

Comment from Chatul:
"Hi. You live in China, right? If yes, please answer on my question. I heard that "admin of China" commissioned to Microsoft, in order to Microsoft block in Internet search, words "democracy" etc. It's true? And sorry if in this comment are mistakes, I'm from Poland so my english isn't very well.. "

Hi Chatul! Thanks for dropping by my blog. I hope you can get this post as well. No, I don't live in China at the moment, but yes, I stayed there for quite some time. I am actually peeved of the "censoring" or "blocking" of some websites in China. In fact, webpages or sites from "free websites" like Geocities, Fortunecity, Xoom, Angelfire, Tripod, etc, are still not accessible in China. Even my own website domain!!! I remember there was a time when Washington Post, New York Times and even Google websites were blocked. Even CNN was blocked at one time, I guess.

I guess the Chinese government has a total control over the internet usage in China. Even the internet cafe owners must install a software upon approval from the government with their license to operate their internet cafe's. Even VoiceIP will be blocked by China this year, I heard.

That's all I know for now and I know that cleared your mind a bit, Chatul. Thanks for posting.


~*.*~ SaRiTa ~*.*~ said...

no worries. thanks a lot for dropping by. hope you can visit here often. cheers!

Anonymous said...

the PC to PC call by Yahoo! Messenger was also cut off here in China.