Post about Sunday BATS gig

Sunday: We went to the hotel at 3:30PM. Brice had her lunch while I bought some stuff in the mall. Was done by 4:20PM so I went back to the hotel. Did a bit of a soundcheck, done by 5PM. Went back to the apartment to rest for a while. I checked emails and replied to some. We left the house at 8:45PM, just in time for a fast dinner in the hotel.

We started at 9:30PM. It was more relaxed and better than the past Sunday. We've got lots of guests, some of them maybe listening and some of them maybe not. But we did our stuff "URB-ly". By the end of the night, people were glued to us when we did lots of fast songs.

I took some photos on that night which I will be including on my photo site as soon as I finish editing them.

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